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Jack Finlaw is the President and CEO of the University of Colorado Foundation, a position he has held since November 2014. The CU Foundation is the portal for philanthropic giving to the University of Colorado with over $3 billion in assets under management, including CU’s $2 billion endowment.

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University of Colorado Foundation


President & CEO

If you were a student in the Denver Public Schools between 2008 and 2019, you may not have realized it at the time, but you were likely benefiting from the most comprehensive and effective education reform initiative in the history of the United States. You were learning more than students in other comparable Colorado school districts, and you were more likely to graduate within four years than students from previous years. This held true regardless of your ethnicity and if you were part of a historically underserved population. Moreover, the improved learning outcomes you experienced during that period are destined to have a lasting impact on your life and almost certainly on your children’s lives as well.