CU Fund Manager Resources

This site is maintained by the CU Foundation to provide a central place for CU fund managers to find information and help related to gift funds (34). If you have questions or need help, email or

Endowment Distribution Updates

The University of Colorado Foundation is preparing to release information about the FY25 distribution for your CU program. This year’s release will include an Annual Distribution Report specific to each fund. The report will be located on the Advancement Intelligence (AI) platform and will also be available at CU-Data in the team content folder. Use the report to help plan for your FY25 distributions, available cash and budgeting. 

To help you better understand the FY25 distribution for your program and how to access it, the CU Foundation will be hosting a live training session on March 7th from 11-noon. The session will include a reminder on how distributions are calculated and instructions on how to run the Annual Distribution Report. In addition, Foundation staff will be available for a follow-up Q&A session immediately after the training. Mark your calendar and register for the training using this link.

Read these brief documents for more information:

If you experience issues downloading files, please try another browser (Chrome has proven to be best). You can also contact CU Foundation Accounting at to request the files be sent to you.

CU Foundation Accounting Request Forms

Distribution Exception Request Form

Quasi Endowment Liquidation Request Form

Transfer Request Form

Credit Card Terminal Request Form

CU Data/Advancement Intelligence (AI) Reports - Links and Trainings

Allocation/Fund Search Recorded Training – 08.18.20
watch :: Video

Annual Distribution Report Training – 03.07.24
watch :: Video

Gift Fund Statement & Endowment Summary Recorded Training – 09.10.20
watch :: Video

Custom Compilation Recorded Training – 10.09.20
watch :: Video

New and Updated Accounting Reports Recorded Training – 04.22.21
watch :: Video

AI Reporting FAQ – 02.09.21
download :: PDF

Fund Purpose Report Training Webinar – 04.09.2020
watch :: Video

Fund Purpose Report Guide and Glossary – 11.20.23
download :: PDF

CU Foundation Gift Fund Compliance

Gift Fund Compliance Training Webinar – 07.09.20
download :: PDF

Compliance FAQ – 06.12.20
download :: PDF

Grants FAQ – 11.30.23
download :: PDF

CUF_CFR Process and Procedures – 01.01.22
download :: PDF

CU Foundation Gift Fund Management

To request a new gift fund, make a change to or activate/inactive an existing gift fund housed at the Foundation, please work with your respective Advancement contact.

If you do not know your Advancement liaison, please start here:

You can also view our Gift Fund Setup FAQ or contact CU Foundation compliance at for help.

CU Lookup Codes

Purpose Codes for Linking to University Speedtypes – 09.12.12
download :: Microsoft Word