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More than 15,000 companies and subsidiaries will match tax-deductible charitable contributions made by their employees, retirees and employees' spouses—which can double (or triple) the value of your gift! Matching gifts are directed to the same designation as your original gift, unless your employer dictates otherwise. The CU Foundation will recognize you for the total amount. For questions about this or other aspects of matching gifts, please call 303-541-1290 or email


Unrestricted gifts are those in which donors give CU's leadership total discretion in how the money may be spent, which maximizes their ability to respond to the ever-changing needs of the institution. The easiest way to make an unrestricted gift is to donate to one of CU's many unrestricted funds, often referred to as a "Fund for Excellence," "Annual Fund" or "Dean's Fund."


A challenge gift is a great way for a donor to inspire and encourage other donors. Typically, a donor will commit to donating a specific amount of money to a program or cause, with a precondition–or challenge–that all other donors must meet a goal or take an action within a certain time period in order for the gift to be fulfilled. Common challenges include goals for total money raised or total number of donors, as well as dollar-for-dollar matches that effectively double or triple the impact of all donations up to a certain amount.


Gifts-in-kind are donations of goods rather than cash. In-kind gifts include artwork, furniture, office equipment, medical equipment and certain professional services.


A planned gift refers to a wide array of customizable giving mechanisms that may blend current and future commitments, maximize tax and estate factors, and optimize your current cash flow or finances.

Common planned gift types include:

  • Bequests
  • Charitable gift annuities
  • Charitable remainder trusts
  • Charitable lead trusts
  • Real estate
  • Retirement accounts

Learn more at our Gift Planning website.


Endowments are gifts that keep on giving by serving as reliable long-term funding sources for designated purposes or programs at CU in perpetuity. The principal amount of an endowed fund is permanently invested by the University of Colorado Foundation in its Long Term Investment Pool (LTIP), generating interest income that is used to fund the purpose or program designated by the donor.


Outright gifts make up the majority of contributions to CU, and encompass the following gift types: cash, stocks and bonds, real estate, tangible personal property, matching gifts or gifts-in-kind. In general, outright gifts qualify for an immediate income tax deduction. For questions or more detailed information, please call 303-541-1290 or email


Memorial and honorary gifts recognize a loved one or someone influential to the donor. Any gift of any amount can be designated as an honorary or memorial donation.


A pledge commitment is a promise by a donor to pay a specified amount in full over a predetermined time period, usually no more than five years.


Payroll deduction is offered to CU faculty and staff as a simple and easy way for you to make a powerful statement about your commitment to CU’s future. This recurring gift is automatically deducted from your paycheck each month, and can be set up, changed or cancelled at any time.