Sarah Crump Quasi-Endowed Graduate Fellowship Fund

To provide fellowship support for graduate students at the CU Boulder Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research whose research will support equity for underserved communities in Arctic science.

This fund honors the life and legacy of Sarah Crump with fellowships for CU Boulder graduate students researching processes or climate history central to understanding high-latitude or high-altitude environments.

From Sarah's Family: "For over a decade, Sarah has been a force for good in the earth science world. She is a creative, innovative, communicative, cross-disciplinary scientist who has inspired the community to be more inclusive and forward-thinking. Sarah took a lead role in shaping this fellowship; it closely aligns with her values and vision. Please join us in honoring and furthering Sarah’s legacy." 

Learn more about Sarah and her fellowship on the INSTAAR website. 

You can also watch Sarah describe her 2017 fieldwork on Baffin Island in this 3-minute video.

Fund Type: 
Endowed Funds
Designation Code: 
Gifts to quasi endowments are invested and distributions pursuant to the CU Foundation's Spending Policy are available for the fund purpose. However, under circumstances described in the fund documents, all or a portion of a quasi endowment may also be appropriated for the fund purpose.